Last update, July 25, 2006.


Invited Lectures:

Invited Lecture 1

(July 29, 9:10-10:00, Hall A)

L1: Rudiger von der Heydt (Johns Hopkins Univ, USA) :

Figure-Ground Organization and Attention Effects in Primate Visual Cortex

Invited Lecture 2

(July 29, 10:00-10:50, Hall A)

L2: Shigang He (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) :

Maturation of Ganglion Cells and Neuronal Circuitry in the Mouse Retina

Invited Lecture 3

(July 31, 16:20-17:10, Hall A)

L3: John D. Mollon (University of Cambridge, UK):

Human Perception of Colour: An Evolutionary Perspective


Symposium 1: Functional Organization of Early Visual System

(July 29, 14:25-16:25, Hall A)

Coordinator: Hiromichi Sato (Osaka Univ, Japan)

S1-1: Hiromichi Sato (Osaka Univ, Japan):

Comparison of Stimulus Specificity and Contextual Response Modulation between LGN and V1 Neurons of Cats

S1-2: Izumi Ohzawa (Osaka Univ, Japan):

Characterization of Receptive Field Properties of Neurons in V1 and V2

S1-3: Tiande Shou (Fudan University, China):

Cross-Stream Modulatory Effects of Feedback Signals from Areas Posteromedial Lateral Suprasylvian (PMLS) and 21a on the Direction and Orientation Preference in the Primary Visual Cortex of Cats

S1-4: Cong Yu (Beijing Normal University, China):

Stimulus Coding in Perceptual Learning substituted by

S1-4s: Yasuto Tanaka (NICT, Japan):

Asymmetrical Long Range Interaction between Upper and Lower Hemifields in Human Vision

Symposium 2: Attention and Visual Search

(July 29, 14:25-16:25, Hall B)

Coordinator: Jun-ichiro Kawahara (AIST, Japan)

S2-1: Jun-ichiro Kawahara (AIST, Japan):

The Capacity Limit of Visual Processing Measured in the Attentional Blink Paradigm

S2-2: Min-Shik Kim (Yonsei Univ, Korea):

Spatial Working Memory Content Serves as a Contextual Cue in Visual Search

S2-3: Jun Saiki (Kyoto Univ, Japan):

Classification Image Analyses of Visual Search Asymmetry

S2-4: Su-Ling Yeh (National Taiwan Univ, Taiwan):

Perceptual Organization and Recognition in the Case of Chinese Characters

Symposium 3: Neural Bases of Central Visual Perception

(July 30, 9:00-11:00, Hall A)

Coordinator: Keiji Tanaka (RIKEN Brain Science Inst, Japan)

S3-1: Sang-Hun Lee (Seoul National Univ, Korea):

The Role of Attention in Propagation of Perceptual and Cortical Waves during Binocular Rivalry

S3-2: Lin Chen (Chinese Academy of Science, China):

Wholes, Holes, and Objects in Attention

S3-3: Hossein Esteky (IPM School of Cognitive Sciences, Iran):

Microstimulation of Inferotemporal Cortex Influences Face Categorization substituted by

S3-3s: Yoichi Sugita (AIST, Japan):

Neuronal Correlates of Motion Aftereffect

S3-4: Keiji Tanaka (RIKEN Brain Science Inst, Japan):

Visual Object Representation in the Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex

Symposium 4: Color Vision - From Molecule to Perception

(July 31, 9:00-11:20, Hall A)


Hidehiko Komatsu (National Inst for Physiological Sciences, Japan),

Keiji Uchikawa (Tokyo Inst of Technology, Japan)

S4-1: Misha Vorobyev (Univ. of Queensland, Australia):

Evolution of Vertebrate Colour Vision

S4-2: Yoshinori Shichida (Kyoto Univ, Japan):

Evolution of Cone Visual Pigments and Their Diversity

S4-3: Hidehiko Komatsu (National Inst for Physiological Sciences, Japan):

Color Representation and the Task Relevance in the Inferior Temporal Cortex of the Monkey

S4-4: John S. Werner (UC Davis, USA):

Renormalization of Color Perception with Age

S4-5: Keiji Uchikawa (Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan):

Categorical Color Perception for Japanese, Korean and Chinese

Symposium 5: Saccade and Perception

(July 31, 9:00-11:00, Hall B)

Coordinator: Satoshi Shioiri (Tohoku Univ, Japan)

S5-1: Aditya Murthy (National Brain Research Centre, India):

The Control of Saccadic Eye Movements during Errors

S5-2: Kazumichi Matsumiya (Tohoku Univ, Japan):

Shape Perception and Saccadic Compression of Visual Space

S5-3: Choongkil Lee (Seoul National Univ, Korea):

Changes in Orientation Discrimination before Saccadic Eye Movements

S5-4: Hitoshi Honda (Niigata Univ, Japan):

Perception of an Object Moving Orthogonally to Saccadic Eye Movement

Oral Sessions

We have difficulties to compile program, because many speakers have not yet registered. If you are a speaker and have not registered, please register, or confirm your attend to Ukai ( immediately. Otherwise program may be changed.

Talk: 10 minutes, Discussion: 5 minutes.

Speakers can use their own laptop computers for their presentations. Standard 15-pin analog VGA connector is available for connection to data-projector.

For speakers who cannot bring their own PC, one Windows XP pro machine and one OS X 10.4 machine are set in each Hall. The latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint (English version) is installed. Other tools (QT player, KeyNote, PDF reader, etc) may be installed, however, we cannot guarantee if these softwares will work well or not. Your data can be transferred via CD or USB memory.

Speakers are requested to check their slides/laptop before the session at the Hall.

No slide projectors and no over head projectors can be used in this conference.

Session O1A

July 29, 11:00-12:15

O1A-1 Sieu Kieu Khuu (Hong Kong): Quantifying the Apparent Depth of Glass Patterns Induced by Their Cast Shadows

O1A-2 William G Hayward (Hong Kong): Stereoscopic Depth Reduces Viewpoint Costs in Object Recognition but Only in the Absence of Qualitative Shape Cues

O1A-3 Ryusuke Hayashi, Shin'ya Nishida, Andreas Tolias, Nikos K Logothetis (Germany, Japan): "Pure" Dichoptic Motion without Any Salient Motion Cues

O1A-4 Raiten Taya, Yasuhiro Ohashi (Japan): The Pulfrich Phenomenon with Monocular Vision

O1A-5 Norman D Cook, Takefumi Hayashi, Chie Umeda, Asami Yutsudo (Japan): Behavioral and Functional MRI Study of the Reverse Perspective Illusion


Session O1B

July 29, 11:00-12:15

O1B-1 Wonyeong Sohn, Sang Chul Chong, Thomas V Papathomas, Zoltan Vidnyanszky (Korea, USA, Hungary): Cross-Feature Spread of Global Attentional Modulation in Human Area MT+

O1B-2 Hsin-I Liao, Su-Ling Yeh (Taiwan): What Kind of Stimuli Will Capture Your Attention and Under What Conditions? Implications for Automobile Dashboard Design

O1B-3 Mohammad Reza Daliri, Vincent Torre, Radu Horaud (Italy, France): Visual Attention: the State of the Art withdrawn

O1B-4 Tomoharu Fukagawa, Makoto Ichikawa (Japan): Influences of the Other's Existence on the Psychological Time Estimation in Visual Cognition Tasks

O1B-5 Raymond van Ee (Netherlands): Voluntary Control Over Either of the Two Percepts That Compete for Visual Awareness in Perceptual Rivalry

O3B-3 Nam-Gyoon Kim (Korea): Perceiving the Time to Contact of Rotating Non-Spherical Objects


Session O2A

July 29, 16:35-17:50

O2A-1 Tomoyuki Naito, Osamu Sadakane, Masahiro Okamoto, Hironobu Osaki, Hiromichi Sato (Japan): Orientation Selectivity of Cat LGN Neurons for Large and High Spatial Frequency Stimulus

O2A-2 Masahiro Okamoto, Tomoyuki Naito, Osamu Sadakane, Hironobu Osaki, Hiromichi Sato (Japan): Surround Suppression Sharpens Orientation Tuning of Neurons in the Cat Primary Visual Cortex

O2A-3 Pei Sun, Justin Gardner, Mauro Costagli, Kenichi Ueno, R.Allen Waggoner, Keiji Tanaka, Kang Cheng (Japan): Orientation Tuning in Human V1 Revealed by High-Resolution fMRI with a Novel Stimulation Paradigm

O2A-4 Chien-Chung Chen, Hui-Ya Gail Han (Taiwan): Retinotopic Responses to Glass Patterns in the Lateral Occipital Cortex

O2A-5 Sang Chul Chong (Korea): Implicit Representations of Mean Size: Evidence for Automatic Processing of Statistical Properties


Session O2B

July 29, 16:35-17:35

O2B-1 Satoshi Shioiri, Masayuki Ogawa, Hirohisa Yaguchi (Japan): Facilitation of  Temporal Integration by Visual Attention

O2B-2 Arni Kristjansson, Heida Maria Siguroardottir, Jon Driver (Iceland, UK): Repetition Streaks Increase Sensitivity in Visual Search of Brief Displays

O2B-3 Ming-Chou Ho, Su-Ling Yeh (Taiwan): Object-Based Attention Relies on Instantaneous Object Representation, but Not on the Likelihood of Object Presence

O2B-4 Kuan-Ming Chen, Su-Ling Yeh (Taiwan): What Should Be Used as the Baseline for Estimating a Priming Effect?


Session O3A

July 30, 11:10-12:25

O3A-1 David Philip Crewther, Sarah Willis, Shedia Gillard Crewther (Australia): Non-Linear Visual Evoked Potentials and the Neural Basis of Luminance, Colour and Form in Human

O3A-2 Makoto Osanai, Yusuke Takeno, Satoshi Tanaka, Ryosuke Hasui, Tetsuya Yagi (Japan): Multisite Recordings of the Signal Propagation in Visual Cortex Slice

O3A-3 Rumi Yamauchi, Hiroyuki Shinoda (Japan): The Hemoglobin Change in Frontal and Occipital Lobe during Image Reconstruction Measured by the Near Infrared Spectroscopy

O3A-4 Hui Zhang, Masanori Idesawa (Japan): Stabilization of Binocular Rivalry by Superimposing an Illusory Surface

O3A-5 Sang Chul Chong: Implicit Representations of Mean Size:  Evidence for Automatic Processing of Statistical Properties => O2A-5

O3A-5 Sergei Gepshtein (Japan): Why Do Moving Things Look as They Do?


Session O3B

July 30, 11:10-12:10

O3B-1 Yasuto Tanaka, Takeshi Nogai, Shinji Munetsuna (Japan): Temporal Asymmetry between Vision and Audition in Crossmodal Simultaneity

O3B-2 Derek Henry Arnold, John Cass, David Alais (Australia): Mandatory Integration of Visual and Auditory Timing Cues

O3B-3 Nam-Gyoon Kim (Korea): Perceiving the Time to Contact of Rotating Non-Spherical Objects => O1B

O3B-4 Makoto Ichikawa, Yuko Masakura (Japan): Dependency of the Flash-Lag Effect on the Active Control of the Stimulus

O3B-5 Kan Arai, Katsunori Okajima (Japan): Visual Information of Collision Object Modulates Contact Force Sense


Session O4A

July 30, 15:10-16:10

O4A-1 Masao Tachibana, Jun Hasegawa, Takehisa Obara (Japan): Improvement of Spatiotemporal Resolution by Transmitter Uptake at the First Visual Synapse

O4A-2 Masami Watanabe, Takayuki Yata, Yoshihito Tokita, Makoto Nakamura, Hiroko Terasaki (Japan): OFF-Center Retinal Ganglion Cells Have Smaller Ability Than ON-Center Cells to Survive Axotomy and Regenerate Axons

O4A-3 Prabakaran Selvaraj, Venkateswar Rao, G C Sekhar Garudari, Ravi Thomas, Rajul Parikh (India) : Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Amblyopia

O4A-4 Masaharu Hirayama, Keizo Shinomori (Japan): Temporal Response for Luminous Flashes Determined by Spatial Structure of Receptive Fields


Session O4B

July 30, 15:10-16:10

O4B-1 Chak Pui Terence Lee, Sieu Kieu Khuu, Anthony Hayes (Hong Kong): The Influence of Fronto-Parallel Motion upon the Apparent Speed of Motion-In-Depth

O4B-2 Xiang Chen, Masanori Idesawa (Japan): 3D Perception from Cyclic Presentation of 3 Phase Images Including One Stroke Apparent Motion Pair

O4B-3 Lei Wang, Masanori Idesawa (Japan): Effects of 3D Motion Direction on Perceptual Property in Periphery

O4B-4 Masayuki Kikuchi, Masaki Nagaoka (Japan): Effects of 3D Colinear Arrangement and Figure-Ground Organization of Moving Edges on Motion Integration


Session O5A

July 30, 16:10-17:10

O5A-1 Kenichi Watanabe, Hiroyuki Shinoda (Japan): Haze Estimation of Crystalline Lens by Visual Acuity Measurement

O5A-2 Sajeesh KR Kumar, Ian J Constable, Yogesan Kanagasingam (Australia): Celestial and Terrestrial Vision Care:   Innovations in Telemedicine Based Vision Care

O5A-3 Desmond Boon Leong Lim, Lionel George Ripley (UK): The Automated Anomaloscope Series for the Detection of Colour Vision Deficits

O5A-4 Keizo Shinomori (Japan): Age-Related Change of Inter-Generational and Intra-Generational Variations in Visual Sensitivities


Session O5B

July 30, 16:10-17:10

O5B-1 Yves Rybarczyk, Jorge Santos (Portugal): Motion Integration in Direction Perception of Biological Motion

O5B-2 Akiyuki Inokuma, Kazushi Maruya, Takao Sato (Japan): Effect of Reference Stimuli on Motion Aftereffects with Luminance and Chromatic Stimuli

O5B-3 Shin'ya Nishida, Kaoru Amano, Alan Johnston (Japan, UK): How Angle of Motion Direction Change Affects Colour-Motion Asynchrony

O5B-4 Fardin Khadivi, Armin Lak (Iran): Kanizsa Shrinkage Illusion without Occluder


Session O6A

July 31, 11:30-12:15

O6A-1 Ichiro Kuriki, Satoshi Nakadomari, Kenji Kitahara (Japan): Assessment of Color Constancy in Brain-Damaged Patient with Color Chart

O6A-2 Shoji Kawamura, Toko Tsutsui, Chihiro Hiramatsu, Linda Fedigan, Hideki Innan (Japan, Canada, USA): A Neutrality Test of Color Vision Polymorphism in a Social Group of Wild Capuchin Monkeys

O6A-3 Chihiro Hiramatsu, Amanda Melin, Filippo Aureli, Colleen Schaffner, Shoji Kawamura (Japan, Canada, UK): Color Vision Polymorphism and Fruit Foraging in Spider Monkeys


Session O6B

July 31, 11:10-12:10

O6B-1 Hiroyuki Sogo, Yuji Takeda (Japan): Saccade Trajectory Influenced by Multiple Inhibited Locations

O6B-2 Mark Wexler, Nizar Ouarti (France): New Results on Eye Movements and 3D Vision

O6B-3 Zhuanghua Shi, Claudio deÅfSperati, Markus Goldbach, Mark A Elliott (Germany, Italy, Ireland): Moving Objects Distort Positional Space: Centrifugal and Centripetal Effects on Neighboring Static Objects

O6B-4 Hiroshi Ashida, Takuro Kitakaze (Japan): Prism Adaptation and Aftereffect in Darts


Session O7A

July 31, 15:10-16:10

O7A-1 Yoshinori Matsui, Naohisa Mukozaka, Haruyoshi Toyoda, Yukinobu Sugiyama, Atsushi Ihori, Seiichiro Mizuno (Japan): High Speed 3D Measurement Module Using Profile Sensor

O7A-2 Norifumi Watanabe, Shun Ishizaki (Japan): Binding Problems Simulator Using Coincidence Detector Model

O7A-3 Ko Sakai, Haruka Nishimura (Japan): Population Analysis on Border-Ownership Determination

O7A-4 Kenzo Sakurai, Hiroshi Ono, Derek Harnanansingh (Japan, Canada): Multilingual Website for Teaching Psychophysical Methods


Session O7B

July 31, 15:10-16:10

O7B-1 Baingio Pinna, Massimiliano Dasara (Italy): Figural Organizations in the Windmill Illusion

O7B-2 Wang On Li, Sieu Kieu Khuu, Anthony Hayes (Hong Kong): Global Motion Distorts Shape Perception:  An Investigation on Kanizsa Figures

O7B-3 Sum Yin Tsui, Sieu Kieu Khuu, Anthony Hayes (Hong Kong): Visual Object Localisation: The Role of Internal Motion

O7B-4 Sergei Gepshtein: Why Do Moving Things Look as They Do? => O3A-5

Poster Presentations (Tentative May 31, 2006)

Hall C 

Posters will be displayed for all conference days. You can display your poster in the evening of July 28.

Panel size is 1.2 m (horizontal) x 2.1 m (vertical). However lower part of the panel will be unable to be read.

For attaching posters to the panel, special tags are needed. They are prepared at the site.

Numbers in the bracket indicate minimum duration the presenters should stay at their posters.

(1): 13:30-14:15, July 29

(2): 13:30-14:15, July 30

(3): 14:15-15:00, July 30

(4): 13:30-14:15, July 31

(5): 14:15-15:00, July 31

When preparing your poster, please include poster number (Pxxx (x)) at the top as well as author(s) information and poster title.


P100 (2) Yuko Kaneko, Fuminobu Tamalu, Shu-Ichi Watanabe (Japan): Nav1.1 Is Expressed in Putative AII-Amacrine Cells in the Rat Retina

P101 (4) (3) Fuminobu Tamalu, Shu-Ichi Watanabe (Japan): Glutamate Input Is Coded by Spike Frequency around the Proximal Dendrites of AII Amacrine Cells in the Mouse Retina

P102 (3) Li-Hui Cao, Yong-Chun Yu, Xiong-Li Yang (China): Modulation by Brain Natriuretic Peptide of GABA Receptors on Rat Retinal ON Type Bipolar Cells

P103 (5) Sayuri Mizukoshi, Taku Ozaki, Sei-ichi Ishiguro, Mitsuru Nakazawa, Hiroshi Ohguro (Japan): The Change of Calpain Activity in the Retinas of the RCS Rats Treated with Ca2+ Antagonists, Nilvadipine

P104 (2) Masayuki Yamashita, Miho Sugioka, Yoichi Ogawa (Japan): Membrane Potential of Ca2+ Store Generates Ca2+ Oscillation in Developing Retina

P105 (4) Makoto Kaneda, Toshiyuki Ishii, Yasuhide Shigematsu, Toshihiko Hosoya, Yukio Shimada (Japan): Pathway Specific Signal Modulation by P2X-Purinoceptors in the Parallel Processing System of the Mouse Retina

P106 (3) Takashi Fujikado, Yoshitaka Okawa, Tomomitsu Miyoshi, Yoko Hirohara, Toshifumi Mihashi (Japan): Intrinsic Optical Imaging for Measuring Retinal Metabolism with Optical and Electric Stimuli

P107 (5) Osamu Hisatomi, Tatsushi Goto, Akiyuki Hasegawa, Eiri Ono, Mari Kotoura, Fumiko Tokunaga (Japan): Analyses of Gene Expression during Newt Retina Regeneration

P108 (2) Hiroshi Ohno, Hiroyuki Uchiyama (Japan): Activity Patterns of the Isthmo-Optic Neurons in Head-Unrestrained Quails

P109 (4) Tomomitsu Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Kanda, Takashi Fujikado, Yasuo Tano, Hajime Sawai (Japan): Single-Unit Responses in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Evoked by a Single Pulse of Suprachoroidal-Transretinal Stimulation

P110 (3) Koji Ikezoe, Guy N Elston, Tomofumi Oga, Hiroshi Tamura, Ichiro Fujita (Japan, Australia): Differences of Dendritic Morphology of Layer III Pyramidal Cells among Cortical Areas in Infant Monkeys

P111 (5) Tadashi Ogawa, Hidehiko Komatsu (Japan): Feature and Context-Dependent Representation of Visual Saliency in the Posterior Parietal Cortex of the Monkey

P112 (2) Minami Ito, Hidehiko Komatsu (Japan): Extraction of Angles Features Embedded within Contour Stimuli in the Macaque Early Visual System

P113 (4) Hajime Sawai, Masako Kuroda, Tomomitsu Miyoshi, Hiroyuki Kanda, Takashi Fujikado, Yasuo Tano (Japan): Pulse Duration, Pulse Amplitude, and Polarity Affecting Rat Collicular Evoked Potentials to Suprachoroidal-Transretinal Electrical Stimulation for Retinal Prosthesis

P114 (3) Mineo Kondo, Shinji Ueno, Kentaro Miyata, Takaki Miyata, Jiro Usukura, Yuji Nishizawa, Hiroko Terasaki, Yozo Miyake (Japan): Physiological Function of S-Cone System Is Not Enhanced in rd7 Mice

P115 (5) Masaharu Yasuda, Hidehiko Komatsu (Japan): Color Selectivity and Visual Topography of  Neurons in Area TEO of the Monkey

P120 (1) Eiji Kimura, Satoru Abe, Ken Goryo (Japan): Can the Pupillary Response Be an Objective and Noninvasive Probe of Interocular Suppression?

P121 (2) Nami Nakano, Tomomi Miyake, Sei-ichi Tsujimura, Atsuo Nuruki, Kazutomo Yunokuchi (Japan): Pupillary Iso-Response Contour in Cone-Contrast Space

P122 (3) Hiroshi Ban, Hiroki Yamamoto, Yoshimichi Ejima (Japan): Color Calibration Method for LCD and DLP Display Devices Using a Recursive Least Squares

P123 (4) Yasuki Yamauchi, Yasuhisa Nakano, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Measurement of Color Matching Functions with a Digital Micro-Mirror Device

P124 (5) Syota Narumi, Keiji Uchikawa, Kaori Segawa (Japan): Effects of Illuminant Variations in Red-Green Direction on Color Constancy for Dichromats

P125 (1) Ken-ichiro Kawamoto, Tenji Wake, Tetsushi Yasuma (Japan): A Study of Categorical Color Perception of Elderly People and Color Deficiencies

P126 (2) Takaaki Kitakawa, Satoshi Nakadomari, Ichiro Kuriki, Kenji Kitahara (Japan): Color Vision Immediately After Taking off the Eyepatch after Cataract Surgery Evaluation of Cyanopsia by Achromatic Settings

P127 (3) Hitomi Shimakura, Katsuaki Sakata (Japan): Long-Term Accumulation of the Chromatic Adaptation in High Order Systems

P128 (4) Jooeun Kim, Hirohisa Yaguchi (Japan): Evaluation of Viewing Color in Natural Image

P129 (5) Toshihiro Toyota, Hisashi Komine, Shigeki Nakauchi (Japan): Influence of Scene Statistics on Color Appearance and Its Spatial Characteristics

P130 (1) Yoshiki Fukunaga, Nana Itoh, Ken Sagawa (Japan): UFOV and Ageing on Detection of Color Difference

P131 (2) Takehiro Nagai, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Effects of Saturation Distributions on Figure Segregation by Hue Differences

P132 (3) Takehiro Matsumora, Kowa Koida, Hidehiko Komatsu (Japan): Correlation between Fine Color Similarity Judgment and Neural Activity in the Inferior Temporal Cortex of the Monkey

P133 (4) Yoko Mizokami, John S Werner, Michael A Webster (Japan, USA): A Functional Account of Nonlinearities in Color Appearance

P134 (5) Miyoshi Ayama, Keisuke Fujisawa, Masato Sakurai (Japan): Effect of Field Size on Color Appearance of Small Stimuli Presented in Middle Periphery

P135 (1) Takatoshi Morikawa, Hiroyuki Shinoda (Japan): Color Appearance Mode Affected by Stimulus Duration

P136 (2) Takayuki Fukuya, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Chromatic Characteristics of Transition Luminance between Modes of Color Appearance under Chromatic Illuminants

P137 (3) Takafumi Nishizawa, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Metric for Gold Perception

P138 (4) Masahito Nagata, Katsunori Okajima, Masayuki Osumi (Japan): Quantification of Gloss Perception Depending on Stimulus Duration

P139 (5) Naokazu Goda, Kowa Koida, Hidehiko Komatsu (Japan): Color Encoding in LGN and Natural Color Statistics

P140 (3) Takashi Suegami, Chikashi Michimata (Japan): Increasing the Verbal Interference Reduces the Categorical Perception of Color.

P141 (4) Antonio A. Alvarez (Spain): Evidence for a Relationship between Color Preferences and Visual Search for Color withdrawn

P142 (5) Yuuichi Ohno, Hiroyuki Shinoda (Japan): Depth Perception Influenced by Mode of Color Appearance

P150 (2) Rie Ando, Hiroaki Kudo, Noboru Ohnishi (Japan): An Examination of the Distribution of Induction Field in Vision for Negative or Positive Type Images

P151 (3) Shin'ya Takahashi, Kazuo Ohya, Yuko Ishisaka, Hiroshi Sugiura, Ken-ichiro Kawamoto (Japan): Contribution of Luminance Contrast and Color Contrast to the Perceived Strengths of Edge, Depth, and Brightness of Kanizsa Illusion

P152 (4) Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Ko Sakai (Japan) : Spatial Attention in Early Vision for the Perception of Border Ownership

P153 (5) Yoshihisa Tsuji, Tadashi Sugihara, Ko Sakai (Japan, USA): Orientation Dependency in Border-Ownership Dependent Tilt-Aftereffect

P154 (1) Goro Maehara, Shuichiro Taya, Haruyuki Kojima (Japan): Changes in the Hemoglobin Concentration in the Lateral Occipital Regions during Shape Recognition: A near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Study.

P155 (2) Meihong Zheng, Kazuhiko Ukai (Japan): The Real Effect of Showing Ambiguous Figure Intermittently

P156 (3) Richard J.A. van Wezel, Andre J. Noest, Miesje M. Nijs, Raymond van Ee (Netherlands): Percept Choices at the Onset of Ambiguous or Binocular Rivalry Stimuli

P157 (4) Joanna Clare Kidd (Hong Kong): On the Mechanisms of Spatial Frequency Doubling: A Re-Appraisal Using Luminance- and Depth-Defined Dot Stimuli

P158 (5) Shuo Chen, Mowei Shen, Xinxin Qiao, Yong Shen (China): The Influence of Surface and Background Brightness on the Simultaneous Brightness Induction withdrawn

P159 (1) Kumiko Shinohara, Takeshi Kinoshita, Makoto Ichikawa (Japan): Effects of Lateral Bias in the Brightness on the Visual Balance of Two-Dimensional Graphics

P160 (2) Tsuguya Shimizu, Yasuko Uemura (Japan): An Illusory Dim Spreading in a Subjective Contour Figure with Elliptic Patches

P161 (3) Hiroyuki Ito (Japan): Illusory Transformation of a Circle

P162 (4) Jun Uchida, Shun Ishizaki (Japan): Effect of Alignment of Lines on Tilt Illusion

P163 (1) Yukyu Araragi, Sachio Nakamizo (Japan): Perceptual Completion Affects Perceived Length of a Line across the Blind Spot

P164 (5) Takayuki Kannon, Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeki Nakauchi, Shiro Usui (Japan): Effect of Blur Adaptation in Peripheral Vision

P170 (2) Gerard Bastiaan Remijn, Hiroyuki Ito (Japan): Amodal Continuation in a Bistable Motion Paradigm

P171 (3) Tatsuya Yoshizawa, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Tetsuo Kawahara (Japan): Second-Order Plaid Motion

P172 (4) Kaoru Amano, Shin'ya Nishida (Japan): Two-Stage Integration Model for Global Gabor/Plaid Motion Perception

P173 (5) Masamitsu Harasawa, Nobuyuki Hiruma (Japan): Estimation of Human Perception from Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes Measured by NIRS Using SVM Classification

P174 (1) (3)Takahiro Kawabe, Kayo Miura (Japan): Motion Lines Capture Global Motion

P175 (2) Baingio Pinna, Marco Boi (Italy): Local vs. Global Motion Vectors in the Rotating Circle Illusion

P176 (3) Tadayuki Tayama, Fumiaki Sato (Japan): The Minimum Temporal Thresholds for Discrimination of Change in Motion Direction

P177 (4) Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Spatiotemporal Properties of Visual Attention for Direction Discrimination of Motion in Peripheral Visual Field

P178 (5) Hirokazu Doi, Reiko Sawada, Nobuo Masataka (Japan): Image Motion Processing in Perception of Biological Motion - An ERP Study

P179 (1) Hidehiro Miyayashiki, Hiroshi Jomoto, Masayuki Sato, Shoji Sunaga (Japan): The Footsteps Illusion Is an Animation of a Static Geometrical Illusion

P180 (2) Yoriko Sasaki, Shigeki Nagauchi (Japan): Physical Consistency of Moving Cast Shadow Affects Apparent Object Motion

P181 (3) Erika Tomimatsu, Hiroyuki Ito, Shoji Sunaga (Japan): Effects of ISI for Illusory Motion in Stationary Stimuli

P182 (4) Nobuhiko Asakura, Masao Ohmi (Japan): A Bayesian Approach to Motion Correspondence in the Ternus Display

P183 (5) Yuki Yamada, Kayo Miura (Japan): Transformational Apparent Motion-Induced Position Shift in Space and Time

P184 (1) Shinji Nakamura (Japan): The Effect of Relative Motion on Visually Induced Self-Motion Perception

P185 (2) Kohei Meguro, Masaki Emoto, Kazuhiko Ukai (Japan): NIRS Study on Brain Activity Associated with Perceptual Rivalry between Self- and Object-Motion Stimulated by a Rotating Pattern

P186 (3) Shigehito Tanahashi, Hiroyuki Ujike, Ryo Kozawa, Kazuhiko Ukai (Japan): Effects of Visually Simulated Roll Motion and Its Repeated Exposures on Postural Stabilization

P187 (4) Takeharu Seno, Takao Sato (Japan): Implicit Motion Signals Induce Vection

P188 (5) Ippei Negishi, Hirohiko Kaneko (Japan): The Perception of Self-motion and the Directions of Visual Motion and Gravity

P189 (1) Noriyuki Kitajima, Tatsuya Shimamura (Japan): The Influence of Block Density Illusion on Perception of Traversed Distance

P190 (2) Toshio Fuchigami, Hiroyuki Shinoda (Japan): The Effect of Slit Width for Speed Perception under Slit Vision

P200 (3) Satoko Ohtsuka (Japan): Discrimination of Stereoscopic Depth on a Reference at and Apart from the Fixation Plane

P201 (1) Kazuhiro Shimonomura, Takayuki Kushima, Tetsuya Yagi (Japan): A Neuromorphic Binocular Vision System Mimicking Computation in Primary Visual Cortex

P202 (2) Hiroyuki Mitsudo (Japan): Illusory Depth Induced by Binocular Torsional Misalignment

P203 (3) Yoshihisa Fukumoto, Masahiro Ishii, Zheng Tang (Japan): Stereogram Using Afterimage

P204 (4) Kazuya Saimura, masahiro Ishii, Zheng Tang (Japan): Isn't Binocular Disparity Useful for the Perception of Azimuth?

P205 (5) Haruaki Fukuda, Kazuhiko Ueda (Japan): Stereoscopic Cue Does Not Pop-out" in Biological Motion Display"

P206 (2) Masatugu Ozawa, Hirohiko Kaneko, Kazuho Fukuda (Japan): Stimulus Factors and the Integration Area of Vertical Disparity

P207 (2) Masahiro Suzuki, Kazuho Fukuda, Hirohiko Kaneko (Japan): Depth Perception of the Half-Occluded Region When the Occluded Surface Is Sine Wave Form in Depth

P208 (4) Yoshitaka Fujii, Hirohiko Kaneko (Japan): Stereoscopic Depth Perception around the Boundary between Binocular and Monocular Visual Fields

P209 (5) Takahisa M Sanada, Masato Fujiwara, Izumi Ohzawa (Japan): Temporal Differences between Pattern and Stereoscopic Processing

P210 (4) Joey Cham, Anthony Hayes (Hong Kong): The Ecological Relationship Between Human Depth Perception and Natural Images

P211 (5) Yuichi Sakano, Robert S. Allison (Canada): The Effects of Adaptation Duration and Interocular Spatial Correlation of the Adaptation Stimulus on the Duration of Motion Aftereffect in Depth

P212 (1) Maki Takano, Takahiro Doi, Ichiro Fujita (Japan): Computation Underlying Stereopsis Depends on the Stimulus Refresh Rate

P213 (4) Kazumi Nagata, Atsushi Osa, Makoto Ichikawa, Hidetoshi Miike (Japan): Comparison of Perceived Scene and Perspective Image in Terms of the Apparent Vanishing Point

P214 (5) Takehiko Morikawa, Makoto Ichikawa (Japan): Impression Formation in Viewing Real Objects and Their 2D Images

P215 (1) Daisuke Toya, Makoto Ichikawa (Japan): Aesthetic and Perceptual Effects of Disparity Size in Stereogram Observation

P216 (2) Jinsu Jo, Jongwon Han, Hyunsuk Park, Yillbyung Lee (Korea): Relative Depth Estimation from Single Images

P217 (1) Souta Hidaka, Yousuke Kawaichi, Jiro Gyoba (Japan): Analyses of Depth Information Contained in Moving 3-D Objects in Apparent Motion Path

P218 (3) Kazuki Narushima, Ko Sakai (Japan): Shape from Shading: Facilitation by Local Contrast

P219 (3) Rie Uemura, Hirohiko Kaneko (Japan): Recruiting New Depth Cue by Learning with Hands

P220 (2) Kuei-Po Chen, Chien-Chung Chen (Taiwan): Cortical Activation for 3D Shapes Constructed from Different Depth Cues

P221 (3) Masahito Torii, Yuuki Okada, Kazuhiko Ukai (Japan): The Effect of Target Blur for Dynamic Accommodative Responses while Viewing Stereoscopic Images

P222 (1) Satoru Abe, Eiji Kimura, Ken Goryo (Japan): Preceding Stimulus of Higher luminance Can Modulate the Visibility of Rivalrous Flashes in Eye-Specific Fashion

P223 (1) Masahito Morii, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Contrast Sensitivity Function Measured under Binocular Rivalry

P230 (3) Tomoko Yonemura, Sachio Nakamizo (Japan): Velocity Perception during Monocular Pursuit Movements

P231 (4) Takeshi Kohama, Ryota Shinojima, Yoshimi Kamiyama (Japan): A Model of Square-Wave Jerks during Eye Fixation in Human

P232 (5) Yohei Kato, Hirohiko Kaneko (Japan): Shape Selectivity of Saccadic Adaptation

P233 (2) Taekjun Kim, Eunyoung Kim, Choongkil Lee (Korea): Variable Repulsion of Spatial Memory from the Fixation Locus

P234 (4) Akiko Fujiki, Shinsuke Hishitani (Japan): Interference Effects of Eye and Limb Movements on Visual Short-Term Memory for Spatial Locations

P235 (5) Masashi Yamaguchi, Hirohiko Kaneko (Japan): Effect of Extraretinal Head and Eye Position Signals on the Perceptual Visual Direction

P240 (1) Hyemin Hong, Jinsu Jo, Yillbyung Lee (Korea): Implementation of Visual Information Processing System Based on Selective Attention and Human's Four Visual Pathways

P241 (2) Ayako Saneyoshi, Chikashi Michimata (Japan): Role of Spatial Frequency Processing for the Categorical and Metrical Properties in Object Recognition.

P242 (3) Kenta Uchio, Shigeki Nakauchi (Japan): The Novelty of Objects Influences Viewpoint-Dependency in Object Recognition Correlated with Laterality of Brain Function -An ERP Study-

P243 (1) Tetsuko Kasai, Maiko Kawada (Japan): What Task Requirements Cause Attentional Selection at a Level of Visual Processing after Perceputal Completion?

P244 (2) Emanuel Diamant (Israel): The Time Is Rape to Change Your Minds: The Classical Visual Information Processing Paradigm Does Not Hold More. withdrawn

P245 (3) Masaaki Shoji, Kaori Segawa, Keiji Uchikawa (Japan): Long-Term Leaning Effects of Visual Attention on Target Detection in the Peripheral Visual Field

P246 (1) Yoshie Shikina, Makoto Ichikawa (Japan): Sex Differences in the Impression Formation and Change Blindness in Viewing Photographic Images

P247 (2) Hirofumi Ida, Motonobu Ishi (Japan): Do the Biomechanical Parameters of Racket Swing Determine the Anticipatory Judgment of Receiver in Tennis?

P248 (3) Ji-nyun Chung, Hyun Seung Yang (Korea): Fast Face Detection Using Adaboost and Facial Color

P249 (1) Mikio Inagaki, Maiko Hata, Ichiro Fujita (Japan): Recognition of Facial Identity and Facial Expression from Spatial Band-Pass Filtered Stimuli

P250 (2) Woo Hyun Jung, SooJin Park (Korea): The Spatial Frequency Information in Age Perception

P251 (3) Hiroko Miyazaki, Koichi Oda (Japan): Face Size and Recognition Performance of Facial Expression

P252 (2) Takayuki Wakatsuchi, Mikio Inagaki, Ichiro Fujita (Japan): Effects of Backward Masking on Discrimination Performance of Facial Identity and Facial Expression

P253 (3) SooJin Park, Kyung Ja Cho, Hei Rhee Ghim (Korea): An Analysis of Words Related to Beliefs or Wants and Reading of Facial Expressions

P260 (1) Satoshi Nakadomari, Kenji Kitahara (Japan): Three Patients with Brain Damages Who Cannot Recognize Mooney Face

P261 (2) Takako Yoshida, Yuki Miyazaki, Kenji Yokoi, Hiromi Wake, Tenji Wake (USA, Japan): Can a Narrow Field of View Explain the Extremely Small Amount of Tactile Memory during Tactile Search for Change? -1. Memory Estimation-

P262 (3) Yuki Miyazaki, Takako Yoshida, Kenji Yokoi, Hiromi Wake, Tenji Wake (Japan, USA) : Can a Narrow Field of View Explain the Extremely Small Amount of Tactile Memory during Tactile Search for Change? -2. Eye Movement Behavior-

P263 (4) Masao Ohmi, Makoto Kondo, Daisuke Tsukahara, Kenji Funahashi (Japan): Change of Brain Activity during Manipulating Task with Different Levels of Visual and Tactile Feedback

P264 (5) Yousuke Kawachi, Jiro Gyoba (Japan): An Event-Irrelevant Visual Moving Object Alters Audiovisual Event Perception

P265 (2) Hao-Hsiang You, Su-Ling Yeh (Taiwan): Auditory Cue Facilitates Unattended Visual Processing

P266 (3) Tatsuhisa Hasegawa, Yuichiro Imai, Hiromichi Ishizashi, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Tadaaki Kirita, Yasuo Hisa, Masayuki Yamashita, Yoshiro Wada (Japan): Effects of Neck Muscle Activity on Dynamic Visual Acuity during Head Rotation

P270 (4) Abbas Azimi Khorasani, Mohammad Reza Ehsaei, Marziyeh Salehi Fadardi, Aciyeh Ehsaei (Iran): Study of the Effect of Cholesterol, Triglycerid and Fasting Blood Sugar on the Rate of Corneal Arcus

P271 (5) Iwao Kobayashi, Eiji Nakagawa, Yuusaku Endo, Hirokata Ooe, Hideyuki Okuzumi (Japan): Assessment of Visual Acuity in Infants with Delayed Psychomotor Development and Epilepsy

P272 (1) Taka-aki Suzuki, Takeshi Haraguchi, Takashi Funai, Yuko Sato, Shigeru Hasegawa, Katsunori Okajima (Japan): Influence of Inhomogeneous Luminance Background in Visibility of Text

P273 (2) Koichi Oda (Japan): Relationship between Critical Print Size and Threshold Size

P274 (3) Masaki Ozawa, Hirohisa Yaguchi (Japan): Quantification of Color Universal Design for Red-Green Color Blind

CRS Lecture with Demonstrations and Refreshments

July 29, 18:00-
Hall B

Peter West, Steven Elliott (UK): A Brief History of Contrast Sensitivity Testing

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