Last update, Apr. 28, 2006.

Abstract Submission

Contributed papers:

Submissions of original papers on all aspects of vision research are welcome. Each abstract will be reviewed by Program Committee, and the accepted papers will be assigned to poster or oral sessions. These abstracts will be published in Abstract Book of ACV2006 at the conference.

Travel Support:

Financial supports will be available for a limited number of young scientists who present a paper as the first author in the conference. Applicants must apply for the travel support with their abstracts by April 9, 2006. Students outside Japan have priority to receive this support.

Please download the Word template file and prepare abstract following the text in the template file.

[Download abstract template file] (MS-Word .doc file 44kb)

Abstract Acceptance
Acceptance and Oral/Poster classification of the submitted abstracts has already informed to the authors by e-mail.
Please contact to if you have not received the mail although you submitted an abstract.

Deadline: April 9, 2006.
Deadline: April 11, 2006. Abstract Submission (Closed)

Due to the server error, submission was disabled through approx 20:18, April 7 (Friday) - 15:20, April 8 (Saturday). We apologize for your inconvenience. If you have any inquiries, please contact to

(C). ACV 2006. This page is maintained by ACV 2006 Steering Committee.
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